Deskripsi Lowongan
PT Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang merupakan sebuah fast growth company yang mengelola Kawasan Industri salah satu bagian dari Proyek Strategis Nasional yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Batang, Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Kami mengundang talenta talenta muda berbakat, kreatif dan energik untuk bergabung bersama kami di PT Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang.
Saat ini kami membuka lowongan PKWT untuk posisi berikut, silakan persyaratan dan daftar melalui link dibawah ini :
Persyaratan Lowongan
1. Education
- Minimum Bachelor's degree in Law (preferably with Master's degree)
2. GPA
- Minimum 3.00 on a scale of 4.00
3. Age
- Maximal 40 years old
4. Experience
- Have experience as a Legal Manager for at least 8 years in an industrial estate
- Have experience and knowledge in the field of procurement roles
5. Expertise
- Having certification for court proceedings (PERADI) is preferred
- Possess strong negotiation skills, excellent drafting and a drive to provide commercially sound advice with the ability to challenge results, provide solutions and form justifiable assumptions for the business
- Proficient both written and verbally in English and Indonesian.
Pendidikan minimal: Strata I
Persyaratan jurusan: